Language: 简体中文 English

Download Templates

For Speakers


PPT Template :NO Unified 

File Format

1. PPT Regulations: Slide size needs to be set at 16:9 

2. The format of the recording video must be MP4

3. The maximum size for uploading is limited to 500MB

4. Video Resolution: 1280*720p HD is preferred.

5. Your maximum presentation length allowed must 

be adhered to your schedule

Upload CV and Photo

CV Template :Click here to download 

CV and Photo: Click here to Upload

Speakers need to upload their completed CV and photos 

through the Personal Information section at the left menu bar. 

The Deadline for CV uploading is 10 November, 2020.

For ePosters


ePoster  Click here to download 

ePosters Upload : Click here to upload

Notice: The deadline to upload e-Posters is 15 November, 2020.

We encourage presenters to upload e-Posters as soon as possible, to give our technicians ample time to check materials prior to the Congress and ensure a smooth transition on to the virtual platform.