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Cardillo Giuseppe
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-Azienda Ospedaliera San Camillo Forlanini, Rome, Italy
Prof. Giuseppe Cardillo is Chief of Thoracic Surgery at San Camillo Forlanini Hospital in Rome. He is the Next President of the Italian Society for Thoracic Endoscopy;  co-chair of the ERS- EACTS-ESTS Pneumothorax task force and of the EACTS -ESTS GGO task force;  member of the IASLC SPFC , and EACTS Council member

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The academic assignments are as follows
Date (UTC+8) Time (UTC+8) Local Time Room Session Role Talk Title
2020-11-20 17:30-19:00 2020-11-20,17:30-19:00Room No. 3

Pro & Con: Recurrent Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax: Is There a Need to Treat Blebs and Bullae for the Management?

2020-11-20 17:30-17:55 2020-11-20,17:30-17:55Room No. 3

Pro & Con: Recurrent Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax: Is There a Need to Treat Blebs and Bullae for the Management?

Speaker Pro: Resection of Blebs and Bullae is Necessary