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Coenie Koegelenberg
Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Coenie Koegelenberg is a clinician working in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. After completing his training in General Internal Medicine in 2001 at Stellenbosch University (Cape Town, South Africa), he spent 30 months working in Thoracic and General Medicine in the United Kingdom, where he qualified as a specialist. He returned to South Africa to complete his training in Respiratory Medicine, and was appointed as a consultant in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine at Tygerberg Academic Hospital (Cape Town) in 2005. He was also appointed as an associate professor in Pulmonology at Stellenbosch University in 2012 and promoted to professor in 2017. 


His research interests over the past decade have included lung cancer, infectious and pleural diseases, preoperative assessment of lung resection candidates and more recently applied transthoracic ultrasound and interventional pulmonology. Coenie Koegelenberg is the author of more than 150 peer-reviewed papers and 14 textbook chapters, most on transthoracic ultrasound, pleural and infectious diseases. He completed a PhD in 2011 and is currently actively involved with numerous related studies. He has been an invited speaker to numerous national and international congresses.


Coenie Koegelenberg is involved with the teaching of basic ultrasound skills to trainees in General Internal Medicine, and more advance skills (including bronchoscopy with endobronchial ultrasound, transbronchial needle aspiration, endoscopic lung volume reduction and thoracoscopy) to fellows in Respiratory Medicine. He is also the current president of the South African Thoracic Society (SATS) and one of the founding members and current chairman of Interventional Pulmonology South Africa (IPSA), which aims to improve the quality of interventional pulmonology in South Africa and to train as many pulmonologist as possible in the various techniques. Coenie Koegelenberg serves as the SATS representative on the Board of Regents of the World Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (WABIP).






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2020-11-20 15:30-17:00 Room No. 7

Interventional Pulmonology in COPD and Chronic Bronchitis- Rationale and Good Clinical Practice

2020-11-20 15:55-16:20 Room No. 7

Interventional Pulmonology in COPD and Chronic Bronchitis- Rationale and Good Clinical Practice

Speaker Targeted Lung Denervation