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Andrew Lerner
Interventional Pulmonology at Sibley Memorial Hospital, USA

Andrew D. Lerner, MD


Washington, DC


November 2020


Current Appointment

2017-present       Director of Interventional Pulmonology at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington DC

                              Clinical Instructor, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore MD

Education and Training


      2005                     B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

                                    Graduated cum laude


      2009                     M.D., George Washington University School of Medicine,                                           Washington, DC


      2009-2012           Resident, Internal Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University                                         Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

      2012-2015           Fellow, Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine, University of                                           California San Diego, San Diego, CA

      2015-2017           Fellow, Interventional Pulmonology, Johns Hopkins                                                   Hospital, Baltimore, MD

      2016-2017           Science of Clinical Investigation (SOCI) Certificate Program,                                     Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

Board Certifications

      Interventional Pulmonology – December 9, 2016

      Critical Care Medicine – October 6, 2016

      Pulmonary Medicine – November 12, 2014

      Internal Medicine – August 13, 2012


Procedural Experience

      Credentialed and experienced in advanced diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopic procedures including: EBUS bronchoscopy, navigational bronchoscopy, rigid bronchoscopy, tumor ablative techniques, airway stent placement, airway dilation, radial EBUS, conventional TBNA, bronchial thermoplasty, whole lung lavage, percutaneous lung biopsy; as well as percutaneous tracheostomy, tunneled pleural catheter placement, thoracentesis, tube thoracoscopy, medical thoracoscopy, chemical pleurodesis, and EGD/PEG placement.

Clinical Service Responsibilities

      2017-present       Interventional Pulmonology Service, Sibley Memorial Hospital

      2017-present       Lung nodule and Lung Cancer Screening Clinic, Sibley Memorial Hospital

      2015-present       Multi-Disciplinary Thoracic Tumor Board Conference, Sibley Memorial Hospital (monthly), and Suburban Hospital (biweekly)

      2015-2017           Interventional Pulmonology Service, Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Bayview Hospital

      2015-2017           Multi-Disciplinary Complex Airway Clinic (monthly), Johns Hopkins Bayview Hospital


Pending Manuscripts (Recently Submitted/Accepted)

1.      Williams JG, Lerner AD. Managing Complications of Pleural Procedures. [Accepted, JTD, 2020]

Peer Reviewed Publications

1.      Yu DH, Assis F, Lerner AD, Tandri H, Lee H.  Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transtracheal Cardiac Plexus Neuromodulation for Refractory Ventricular Tachycardia. HeartRhythm Case Rep. 2020;6(7):370-374.

2.      Perrotta F, Nankivell M, Adizie JB, Maqsood U, Elshafi M, Jafri S, Lerner AD, Woolhouse I, Munavvar M, Evison M, Booton R, Baldwin DR, Janes SM, Kerr KM, Bianco A, Yarmus L, Navani N.  Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration for PD-L1 Testing in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer.  Chest. 2020 Sep;158(3):1230-1239.

3.      Gilbert CR, Thiboutot J, Mallow C, Chen A, Pastis NJ, Argento C, Millar J, Lavin RA, Lerner AD, Yu DH, Salwen B, Lunz D, Lee HJ, Yarmus LB.  Assessment of Ergonomic Strain and Positioning During Bronchoscopic Procedures: A Feasibility Study. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2020;27(1):58-67.

4.      Lerner AD, Feller-Kopman D.  Is Bronchoscopic Treatment of Lung Cancer Possible?  Expert Rev Respir Med. 2019;13(1):1-3.

5.      Lentz RJ, Lerner AD, Pannu J, Merrick C, Roller L, Walston C, Valenti S, Goddard T, Chen H, Huggins JT, Rickman OB, Yarmus L, Psallidas I, Rahman NM, Light RW, Maldonado F. Routine Monitoring with Pleural Manometry During Therapeutic Large Volume Thoracentesis to Prevent Pleural-pressure-related Complications: a Multicentre, Single-blind Randomised Controlled Trial. Lancet Respir Med. 2019;7(5):447-455.

6.      Yarmus L, Mallow C, Pastis N, Thiboutot J, Lee H, Feller-Kopman D, Lerner AD, Tanner N, Silvestri G, Chen A. First-in-Human Use of a Hybrid Real-Time Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Acquisition System for Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions: A Multicenter Pilot Study.  Respiration. 2019 Nov 8:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]

7.      Gilbert CR, Thiboutot J, Chen A, Argento C, Pastis NJ, Lee HJ, Lerner AD, Yarmus LB. Poor Monitor Screen Height Positioning by Pulmonologists During Flexible Bronchoscopy: A Nested, Prospective Observational Trial. Arch Bronconeumol. 2020;56(8):526-528.

8.      Jiao A, Liu F, Lerner AD, Rao X, Adong S, Guo Y, Meng C, Pan Y, Li G, Li Z, Wang F, Zhao J, Ma Y, Sun L, Liu X, Ni X, Shen K. Effective treatment of post-intubation subglottic stenosis in children with holmium laser therapy and cryotherapy via flexible bronchoscopy. Pediatr Invest. 2019;3:9-16.

9.      Suresh K, Naidoo J, Zhong Q, Xiong Y, Mammen J, de Flores MV, Cappelli L, Balaji A, Palmer T, Forde PM, Anagnostou PV, Ettinger DS, Marrone KA, Kelly RJ, Hann CL, Levy B, Feliciano JL, Feller-Kopman D, Lerner AD, Lee H, Shafiq M, Yarmus L, Lipson E, Soloski M, Brahmer JR, Danoff SK, D’Alessio F.  The Alveolar Immune Cell Landscape is Dysregulated in Checkpoint Inhibitor Pneumonitis.  J Clin Invest. 2019 Jul 16;130:4305-4315.

10.  Lee HJ, Lerner AD, Coleman B, Semaan R, Mallow C, Arias S, Salwen B, Feller-Kopman D, Yarmus L.  Learning Electromagnetic Navigational Bronchoscopy and Percutaneous Transthoracic Needle Biopsy (LEAP): A Pilot Study.  J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2019 Jan;26(1):55-61.

11.  Suresh K, Psoter KJ, Voong KR, Shankar B, Forde PM, Ettinger DS, Marrone KA, Kelly RJ, Hann CL, Levy B, Feliciano JL, Brahmer JR, Feller-Kopman D, Lerner AD, Lee H, Yarmus L, Hales RK, D’Alessio F, Danoff SK, Naidoo J.  Impact of Checkpoint Inhibitor Pneumonitis on Survival in NSCLC Patients Receiving Immune Checkpoint Immunotherapy. J Thorac Oncol. 2019 Mar;14(3):494-502.

12.  Thiboutot J, Yuan W, Park HC, Lerner AD, Mitzner W, Yarmus LB, Li X, Brown RH. Current Advances in COPD Imaging. Acad Radiol. 2019 Mar;26(3):335-343.

13.  Suresh K, Voong KR, Forde PM, Ettinger DS, Marrone KA, Kelly RJ, Hann CL, Levy B, Feliciano JL, Brahmer JR, Feller-Kopman D, Lerner AD, Lee H, Yarmus L, D’Alessio F, Lin T, Psoter KJ, Danoff SK, Naidoo J. Pneumonitis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer patients receiving Immune Checkpoint Immunotherapy: incidence and risk factors. J Thorac Oncol. 2018;13(12):1930-1939.

14.  Lerner AD, Yarmus L. Percutaneous Dilational Tracheostomy. Clin Chest Med. 2018;39(1):211-222.

15.  Lee HJ, Lerner AD.  POINT: Should Interventional Pulmonology Be Given American Board of Internal Medicine Subspecialty Status? Yes.  Chest. 2018;153(1):16-18.

16.  Lee HJ, Lerner AD. Rebuttal From Drs Lee and Lerner. Chest. 2018;153(1):21.

17.  Lerner AD, Feller-Kopman D.  Bronchoscopic Techniques Used in the Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer. J Natl Compr Can Netw. 2017;15(5):640-647.

18.  Procel JM, Lui MM, Lerner AD, Davies HE, Feller-Kopman D, Lee YC. Comparing Approaches to the Management of Malignant Pleural Effusions. Expert Rev Respir Med. 2017;11(4):273-284.

19.  Lee HJ, Coleman B, Lerner AD, Feller-Kopman D, Semaan R, Frimpong B, Yarmus L. Procedural Learning Perspectives of Pulmonary Fellows and Practitioners. J Bronchol Interv Pulmonol. 2017 July;24(3):200-205.

20.  Zhang WC, Chen W, Zhou JP, Lerner AD, Ni L, Shen JM, Yan TL, Zhou M, Shi GC, Xiang Y. A Comparison of Different Training Methods in the Successful Learning of Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration. Respiration. 2017;93(5):319-326.

21.  Semaan RW, Lee HJ, Feller-Kopman D, Lerner AD, Mallow CM, Thiboutot J, Arias SA, Yarmus LB. Same-Day Computed Tomographic Chest Imaging for Pulmonary Nodule Targeting with Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy May Decrease Unnecessary Procedures. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 Dec;13(12):2223-2228.

22.  Lerner AD, Yarmus LB, Gilbert CR.  Intrabronchial Valves for Persistent Air-Leaks:  What’s the Verdict?  Expert Rev Respir Med. 2016;3:1-3.

23.  Hepokoski M, Makani SS, Lerner AD, Crotty Alexander LE. Spontaneous Pneumothorax Complicating Chronic Hepatic Hydrothorax: Successful Treament by Small Bore Chest tube.  J Bronchol Intervent Pulmonol. 2016;23(4):e43-e45.

24.  Semaan RW, Lerner AD, Lee HJ, Feller-Kopman D, Yarmus LB. Electromagnetic Guidance for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules: Don’t Put the Nail in the Coffin. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2016;194(1):121.

25.  Semaan RW, Hazbon MP, Arias SA, Lerner AD, Yarmus LB, Feller-Kopman DJ, Lee HJ.  Academic Productivity of Interventional Pulmonology Training Programs.  Ann Am Thorac Soc.  April 2016;13(4):536-539.

26.  Lerner AD, Riker D. Use of Endobronchial Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of a Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm.  Annals of Thoracic Surgery. May 2014;97(5):e139-41.

27.  Lerner AD, Mandel J. A Cagey Diagnosis. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. July 2014;11(6):986-989.

28.  Gilbert CR, Lerner A, Baram M, Awsare BK.  Utility of Flexible Bronchoscopy in the Evaluation of Pulmonary Infiltrates in the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Population – A Single Center Fourteen Year Experience. Arch Bronconeumol. May 2013. 49(5): 189-195.

29.  Yu A, Lerner AD, Mehendiratta V, Herrine S.  Diffuse Hepatic Cavernous Hemangiomatosis Presenting with Portal Hypertension, Esophagogastric Varices, and GI Bleed. Practical Gastroenterology. June 2012. 36(3): 42-43.

30.  Shao M, Popratiloff A, Jenny Yi J, Lerner A, Hirsch JC, Peusner KD. Adaptation Of Chicken Vestibular Nucleus Neurons To Unilateral Vestibular Ganglionectomy. Clinical Neuroscience. July 2009. 161(4): 988-1007.

Book Chapters

1.      Lerner AD, Feller-Kopman D (2016) Disorders of the Pleura, Mediastinum, and Hilum.  In. Singh AK, editor.  Scientific American Medicine [online and loose-leaf].  Hamilton (ON):  Decker Intellectual Properties

2.      Lerner AD, Mandel J (2015) Pulmonary Venous Hypertension. In. Lazer P, editor. PanVascular Medicine, 2nd edition, Vol. 1, pp 4157-4168. Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

3.      Lerner AD, Makani, SS (2014) Interventional Pulmonology: Advanced Diagnostic Procedures.  In. The Manual of Clinical Problems in Pulmonary Medicine, 7th ed., Morris TA, Ries AL, Bordow RA, editors, pp 40-44. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

4.      Lerner AD, Makani, SS (2014) Interventional Pulmonology Therapeutic Procedures.  In. The Manual of Clinical Problems in Pulmonary Medicine, 7th ed., Morris TA, Ries AL, Bordow RA, editors, pp 61-64. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

5.      Lerner AD, Makani SS (2014) Solitary Pulmonary Nodule.  In. The Manual of Clinical Problems in Pulmonary Medicine, 7th ed., Morris TA, Ries AL, Bordow RA, editors, pp 215-222.  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Other Media

1.      Lerner AD.  Complications of Percutaneous Tracheostomy and PEG Tube Placement.  AIPPD Webcast.  August 1, 2017.

2.      Lerner AD, Yarmus L. Tracheomalacia:  Treatment and Management.  The International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2016 Guidelines for Tracheomalacia. 2016.


1.      Gilbert CR, Mallow C, Thiboutot J, Millar J, Lavin RA, Lerner AD, Yu DH, Salwen B, Lunz D, Chen A, Argento AC, Pastis NJ, Lee HJ, Yarmus LB. Poor Ergonomic Positioning of Monitor Screen Height during Flexible Bronchoscopy. Chest International Conference, San Antonio, October 2018

2.      Suresh K, Zhong Q, Voong KR, Ettinger DS, Marrone KA, Kelly RJ, Hahn CL, Levy B, Feliciano J, Brahmer JR, Forde PM, Feller-Kopman D, Lerner AD, Lee H, Yarmus L, D’Alessio F, Danoff S, Naidoo J.  Clinical Features and Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Characteristics of PD-1 Pneumonitis In Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Anti-PD-1/PD-L1 Immune Checkpoint Therapy. Johns Hopkins Bayview Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD, December 2017.

3.      Thiboutot J, Yuan SW, Park H, Lerner AD, Nelson A, Mitzner W, Yarmus L, Li X, Brown RH.  Changes in Airway Wall Microstructures Following Bronchial Thermoplasty Detected by Optical Coherence Tomography.  Chest International Conference, Toronto Canada, October 2017.

4.      Lerner AD, Yarmus L, Illei PB. PD-L1 IHC Using EBUS Specimens. Abstract, Johns Hopkins University. Poster to be presented at IASLC 18th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Yokohama, Japan, October 2017.

5.      Lerner AD, Yarmus L, Illei PB.  PD-L1 Assessment in Thoracic Cytology Samples.  Abstract, Johns Hopkins University.  Poster to be presented at the American Society of Cytopathology 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. November 2017.

6.      Lerner AD, Yarmus, L, Feller-Kopman D, Lee H, Oswiecimka J, Forde P, Illei PB. PD-L1 Assessment in FNA (EBUS) Derived Samples. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Poster presented at 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2017, Chicago, IL, June 2017.

7.      Cannon DT, Gutierrez A, Tsui T, Lerner AD, Breen EC, Bigby TD.  IL-33 Receptor Gene Deletion and Skeletal Muscle Abnormalities in a Mouse Model of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Abstract, VA San Diego, Univ. of CA, San Diego.  Poster presented at Experimental Biology Annual Conference, April 2016.

8.      Lerner AD, Lai NC, Tsui C, Breen E, Murray F, Bigby TD.  Interleukin 33 and Its Receptor, ST2, Participate in the Development of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in a Mouse Model. Abstract, VA San Diego, Univ. of CA, San Diego.  Poster presented at the ATS International Conference, May 2015.

9.      Lerner AD, Landsberg JW.  A case of massive pulmonary embolism mechanically dislodged and fragmented by chest compressions. Abstract, Univ. of CA, San Diego.  Poster presented at the ATS International Conference, May 2015.

10.  Lerner A, Popratiloff A, Yi J, Peusner K. Kv1.1 & Kv1.2 immunolabeling in vestibular nucleus neurons after unilateral vestibular ganglionectomy. Abstract, Dept Anatomy and Regenerative Biology, George Washington University Medical Center.  Poster presented at: Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2008 Annual Conference

11.  Lerner AD, Pollard HB, Ji XD, Jozwik C, Jacobowitz DM.  High abundance protein profiling of cystic fibrosis lung epithelial cells. Abstract, Physiology and Genetics, Uniformed Services University.  Poster presented at: George Wash. Univ. Medical Center Annual Research Day (2006)

Extramural Funding (current, pending, previous)

      2015-2016           NIH T32 Multidisciplinary Training Grant: 5 T32 HL 098062-                                  04, PI: Dr. Timothy Bigby



2019-present       Co-Director, Fundamentals of Bronchoscopy: An Introduction                                 to Bronchoscopy Annual Education Course, University of

Maryland, Baltimore, MD


2019-present       Expert Panel Member, NQF Measure Incubator Lung Cancer                                    Biomarkers Strategy Session, National Quality Forum,                                               Washington, DC

2019-present       Member, IRB Research Committee, Sibley Memorial Hospital

2019-present       Member, Clinical Resource Management Committee, Sibley                                      Memorial Hospital

2018-present       AABIP/AIPPD Joint IP Fellowship Accreditation Appeals                                           Committee

2018-present       Member, Endoscopic Reporting System (ERS) Committee,                                        Sibley Memorial Hospital

2017-present       Physician Champion, Sibley Memorial Hospital Intensive Care Unit Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP) Team

      2011-2012           Editor-in-Chief, Jefferson Forum Research Journal, Thomas                                     Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA,                                                           http://jdc.jefferson.edu/tmf/vol13/iss1/

      2006-2007           Editor-in-Chief and Creator, Fusion: an annual student run                                       scientific journal serving the GW Medical Center, George                                                Washington University, Washington DC

      2006-2007           President, The William Beaumont Medical Research Honor

                                    Society, George Washington University School of Medicine,                                      Washington, DC

CME/Clinical Instruction Lecturer

Oct 2020               Invited Speaker, Sibley Memorial Hospital ICU Grand Rounds, Washington, DC

July 2020              Invited Speaker, Fundamentals of Bronchoscopy: An Introduction to Bronchoscopy Course, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD

July 2020              Invited Speaker, Mid-Atlantic Pulmonary & Critical Care Education Collaborative Summer Education Block, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD

May 2020             Invited Speaker, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Feb 2020              Invited Speaker, Tenth Annual Evaluation and Management of Pleural Disease, Pulmonary CME Course, Johns Hopkins,  Baltimore, MD

Nov 2019             Invited Speaker, Thriving and Surviving Lung Cancer, Lung Cancer Patient Symposium, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD

Oct 2019               Invited Speaker, Sixth Annual Percutaneous Tracheostomy and Advanced Airway Cadaver Course, Pulmonary CME Course, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD

Oct 2019               Invited Speaker, Medicine Grand Rounds, One Medical, Washington, DC

July 2019              Invited Speaker, Fundamentals of Bronchoscopy: An Introduction to Bronchoscopy Course, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD

July 2019              Invited Speaker, Eighth Annual EBUS and Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy, Johns Hopkins University Pulmonary CME Course, Cambridge, MD

July 2019              Invited Speaker, Mid-Atlantic Pulmonary & Critical Care Education Collaborative Summer Education Block, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD

Jan 2019               Invited Speaker, Ninth Annual Evaluation and Management of Pleural Disease, Pulmonary CME Course, Johns Hopkins,  Baltimore, MD

Dec 2018              Invited Speaker, The 3rd Straits Forum for Respiratory Diseases, Quanzhou, China

Oct 2018               Invited Speaker, Fifth Annual Percutaneous Tracheostomy and Advanced Airway Cadaver Course, Pulmonary CME Course, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD

July 2018              Invited Speaker, Seventh Annual EBUS and Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy, Johns Hopkins University Pulmonary CME Course, Cambridge, MD

July 2018              Invited Speaker, Fundamentals of Bronchoscopy: An Introduction to Bronchoscopy Course, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD

June 2018             Invited Teaching Faculty, Intern Workshop on Physical Exam/POCUS, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD

May 2018             Lead Moderator, Poster Discussion Session, “Interventional Pulmonology: The Swiss Army Knife for Thoracic Oncology”, ATS Annual Conference, San Diego, CA

May 2018             Facilitator, Thematic Poster Session, “Interventional Pulmonary Case Reports”, ATS Annual Conference, San Diego, CA

May 2018             Invited Speaker, OncLive Insights: Inside the Clinic – Interdisciplinary Care for Stage IV NSCLC, Washington, DC

May 2018             Invited Speaker, A Woman’s Journey Greater Washington Gala, Washington, DC

May 2018             Invited Instructor, Sibley Hospital ICU Boot Camp, Washington, DC

Mar 2018             Invited Speaker, Washington DC Thoracic Journal Club, Washington, DC

Feb 2018              Invited Speaker, Medicine Grand Rounds, Wellspan York Hospital, York, PA

Jan 2018               Invited Speaker, Eight Annual Evaluation and Management of Pleural Disease, Pulmonary CME Course, Johns Hopkins,  Baltimore, MD

Jan 2018               Invited Speaker, University of Maryland PCCM Fellows’ Winter Education Block, Baltimore, MD

Oct 2017               Invited Speaker, The American Medical Forum, Washington, DC

Oct 2017               Invited Speaker, Fourth Annual Percutaneous Tracheostomy and Advanced Airway Cadaver Course, Pulmonary CME Course, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD

Sept 2017             Invited Speaker, Interventional Pulmonology Grand Rounds, Beijing Children’s Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China

Sept 2017             Invited Speaker, Interventional Pulmonology National Conference, China Shenyang Chest Hospital, Shenyang, China

July 2017              Invited Speaker, Fundamentals of Bronchoscopy, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD

July 2017              Invited Speaker, Sixth Annual EBUS and Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy, Pulmonary CME Course, Cambridge, MD

June 2017             Invited Speaker, Annual Johns Hopkins Oncology Fellows                                         Seminar, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

June 2017             Invited Lecturer, Janeway Firm, Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

May 2017             Invited Speaker, American Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Symposium, Washington, DC

Mar 2017             Invited Speaker, 1st Shanghai Forum of Interventional Pulmonology, Chinese Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (CABIP), Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai, China

Mar 2017             Invited Speaker, Grand Rounds, Changhai-Henry Ford Hospital International Training Center in Interventional Pulmonology, Shanghai, China

Feb 2017              Invited Speaker, Seventh Annual Evaluation and Management of Pleural Disease, Pulmonary CME Course, Johns Hopkins,  Baltimore, MD

Dec 2016              Invited Instructor, Thoracic ultrasound simulation teaching, Johns Hopkins Advanced PICU Fellowship Boot Camp, Baltimore, MD

Oct 2016               Invited Speaker, “Pleural Disease Master Class”, Chest Annual Meeting 2016, Los Angeles, CA

Oct 2016               Invited Instructor, American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Hands On Session for Electromagnetic Navigational Bronchoscopy, Chest Annual Meeting 2016, Los Angeles, CA

      Sept 2016             Invited Speaker, Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy                                     and Transthoracic Needle Biopsy Simulation Course, Flipped                                         Classroom Instructor, Las Vegas, NV

      June 2016             Invited Instructor, Clinical Correlations in Anatomy for First                  Year Medical Students, Johns Hopkins University School of           Medicine

      Jan 2016               Invited Speaker, Sixth Annual Evaluation and Management of                                  Pleural Disease, Pulmonary CME Course, Johns Hopkins,                                                 Baltimore, MD

      Aug 2016              Invited Speaker, Current Practices and Future Directions in                                     Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine: The 14th Year,                                          Pulmonary CME Course, Johns Hopkins, Santa Fe, NM

      July 2016              Invited Speaker, Fifth Annual EBUS and Advanced Diagnostic                                  Bronchoscopy, Pulmonary CME Course, Cambridge, MD

      Sept 2015             Invited Speaker, Third Annual Percutaneous Tracheostomy                                     and Advanced Airway Cadaver Course, Pulmonary CME Course,                                    Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD

      May 2015             Instructor, Fellow Boot Camp, American Thoracic Society 2015                               International Conference, Denver, CO



      2011                     Alpha Omega Alpha Society, Alpha Chapter, Philadelphia, PA


      2016                     Johns Hopkins Hospital Patient Safety Star Award, Johns  Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

      2019                     2019 Johns Hopkins Medicine Clinical Award for Best  Consulting Physician, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, DC

      2019                     Top Doctors, Washingtonian Magazine, 2019

      2020                     Top Doctors, Washingtonian Magazine, 2020






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2020-11-22 10:55-11:20 Main Venue

Interventional Pulmonology in Landscape of Personalized Lung Cancer Management

Speaker The Value of EBUS TBNA for Obtaining Samples for Molecular and Genomic Analysis in LC