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Michael Unger
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia USA




BUSINESS ADDRESS:                     Thomas Jefferson University

834 Walnut Str. Suite 650

                                                            Philadelphia, PA 19107

                             e -MAIL :              mic****ger@jefferson.edu


BIRTHPLACE:                                 Haifa, Israel

BIRTH DATE:                                  11 FEBRUARY 1944

CITIZENSHIP STATUS:                 United States, Israel

FOREIGN  LANGUAGES:             French, Hebrew, Polish, Russian



            Tel Aviv University

            Tel Aviv, Israel                                                                       Science


            University of Bordeaux

            Medical School, Bordeaux, France                            6/7/71                          M.D.


            Intern in Medicine                              Wayne State University                     1971-72

                                                                        Detroit General Hospital

                                                                        Detroit, Michigan

            Resident in Medicine                         Mount Sinai Hospital                                     1972-74

                                                                        Services City Hospital Center

                                                                        at Elmhurst, New York, NY

            Research and Clinical                        The New York Hospital-                    1974-76

            Fellowship in Pulmonary Diseases    Cornell Medical Center

                                                                        New York, NY


            New York                               MD 117945

            Pennsylvania                          MD 018514E


            American Board of Internal Medicine                       050979                        1977

            Pulmonary Disease                                                     050979                        1978


Scholarship Award 35t,M.D. Degree awarded “With Highest Honors”      

University of Bordeaux                                                                                              1971


The 1983 Outstanding American College of Chest Physicians Motion Picture Award            1983


Howard Lilienthal American College of Chest Physicians   Memorial Lecturer Award    

              New York State Chapter                                                                                          1986 


Honorary Member Award Singapore Academy of Medicine           Honor Lecturer

and Visiting Professor                                                                                                            1988

Outstanding Teacher of  the Year Award Pennsylvania Hospital                                         1997   


Visiting Professor Silesian Medical Academy                                                                      2002


Visiting Professor Chinese Academy of Sciences                                                                2006



                        Associate in Medicine, Department of Medicine, University                      1976-77

                        of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

                        Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine,                         1977-81

                        University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

                        Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of                1981-85

                        Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

                        Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of               1985-91

                        Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

                        Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Thomas Jefferson          1991-1995

                        University, Jefferson Medical College

                        Clinical Professor of Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University,        1995- 2008

                        Jefferson Medical College


                        Professor at Fox Chase Cancer Center                                              1997- 2014


                        Professor of Medicine Thomas Jefferson University ,

Sidney Kimmel Medical  School                                                       2014 -


                        Associate Chief of Pulmonary Section, Presbyterian-                      1976-81

                        University of Pennsylvania Medical Center

                        Medical Director of Respiratory Therapy Department,                    1976-82

                        Presbyterian-University of Pennsylvania Medical


                        Acting Chief of Pulmonary Section, Presbyterian-                           1981-82

                        University of Pennsylvania Medical Center

                        Medical Director of Pulmonary Function Laboratory                      1982-85

                        and Arterial Blood Gas Laboratory, Presbyterian-

                        University of Pennsylvania Medical Center

                        Director, Laser Research and Development for                                1985-97

                        Medical Diseases, Pennsylvania Hospital

                        Director of Pulmonary Endoscopy, Pennsylvania                             1985-97



                        Director, Pulmonary Cancer Detection and                                       1997-2014

                        Prevention Program, Fox Chase Cancer Center

                        Director, Pulmonary Endoscopy and High                                        1997-2014

                        Risk Lung Cancer Program, Fox Chase Cancer Center



                        ME364A Elective Course in Clinical Pulmonary Disease

                        ME 200 Clinical Medicine Lectures

                        Teaching Attending Physician on the Internal Medicine Service

                        Continuous Educational Seminars in Respiratory Therapy

                        Teaching Attending in the I.C.U.

                        I.C.U. Critical Care Course

                        Medical Grand Rounds Lectures

                        Pulmonary Conferences

                        Laser Seminars and Workshops Director

                        Pulmonary Hypertension Workshops

                              Chair Scientific Committee WCB



                        GRANT SUPPORT

                                    The Effects of PGB-x in Shock Lung and in

                                    Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension,

                                    United States Navy                                         $29,410.00      1978


Photodynamic Therapy of Lung Carcinoma,

                                    American Cyanamid Company, Lederle

                                    Laboratories                                                   $16,000.00      1991

                                    Photodynamic Therapy and Early Detection

                                    of Cancer, Theodore B. Betz Foundation     $450,000.00     1993

Determination of Lung Cancer Susceptibility among High Risk Female Smokers. Correlation of CYP1A1 Polymorphism and Abnormal Autofluorescence. Bristol- Myers Squibb Foundation, Better Health For Women:   A Global Health Program                 $ 200,000.00    1999   




1973                           American College of Physicians- Fellow

1974                           American Thoracic Socity

            1974                New York Trudeau Society

1974                Eastern Section, American Thoracic Society

1976                Laennec Society (President 1999)

1978                American Federation for Clinical Research

1981                New York Academy of  Sciences

1982                American College of Chest Physicians

1982                American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery

1982                Philadelphia College of Physicians

1986                International Photodynamic Association (Board Member)

1987                Pennsylvania State Medical Society

1987                Montgomery County Medical Society

1990                           Philip Drinker Society (Critical Care)

1994                           American Association for Bronchology (Board Member

1995                           World  Association  for  Bronchology ( Board Member)

1999                International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer

2008                Health and Sciences Committee  ACCP




                        Presbyterian-University of Pennsylvania Hospital:

                        Continuing Education  Committee

                           Quality Assurance Committee                                1977

                           Patient Care Review Committee                             1979

                           Intensive Care Unit Committee                              1981

                           Library Committee                                                  1981

                        Medical Staff Committee

                        Chairman, Laser Committee

                        Pennsylvania Hospital:

                        Laser Committee                                                        1985

                        By-Laws Committee

                           Ethics Committee                                                    1988

                        Infection Control Committee

                           Patient Care Committee                                          1993

                           Tumor Committee                                                   1996

Ethics Committee      

                           Critical Care Committee                                         1997


                        Fox Chase Cancer Center:

                        Laser Committee                                                        1997

                        Operating Room Committee

                        Ethics Committee

                        IT Implementation Committee

                        Keystone Executive Committee

                        Promotion Committee

                        Institutional Review Committee


Journal of Bronchology                                              1994-2006

                        Lasers in Surgery and Medicine                                 1995-1999

                        Chest                                                                           2001-2009

                        Annals of Internal Medicine ( Associate  Editor)     2009-present




1.      Unger, M.:   Hemangioblastome multiple, cerebellar et medulare, Doctoral Thesis,  University of Bordeaux, 1971.

2.      Unger, M., Atkins, M., Briscoe, W.A., King, T.K.C.:  Potentiation of pulmonary vasoconstrictor  response with repeated intermittent hypoxia, Journal of Applied Physiology 43:  662-667, 1977.

3.      Parr, G.V.S., Unger, M., Trout, R., Atkinson, G.W.:  One hundred neodymium-YAG laser ablations of  obstructing tracheal neoplasms, The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 38:  374-38, 1984.  (Presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thoracic Surgery, San Antonio, TX, January, 1984).

4.      Mohr, R.M., McDonnell, B.C., Unger, M., Mauer, T.P.:  Safety considerations and safety protocol for laser surgery, Surgical Clinics of North America 64:851-859, 1984.

5.      Unger, M.:  Bronchoscopic utilization of the Nd:YAG laser for obstructing lesions of the trachea and bronchi, Surgical Clinics of North America 64: 931-938, 1984.

6.      Kirschner, R.A., Unger, M.:  Introduction to laser surgery, Surgical Clinics of North America 64: 839-841, 1984.

7.      Kirschner, R.A., Unger, M., Imber, P.:  An introduction to dye lasers and photoradiation therapy, Surgical Clinics of North America 64:  939-940, 1984.

8.      Duckett, J.E., McDonnell, T.J., Unger, M., Parr, G.V.S.:  General anesthesia for Nd:YAG laser resection of obstructing endobronchial tumors using the rigid bronchoscope, Canadian Anesthetists Society Journal 32:  67-72, 1985.

9.      Unger, M.:  Neodymium:  YAG laser therapy for malignant and benign endobronchial obstructions,  Clinics in Chest Medicine 6:  277-295, 1985.

10.   Zatuchni, J., Patel, H.K., Unger, M.:  Nd:YAG laser treatment of endobronchial lipoma in a patient with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the prostate, Houston Medical Journal 2:  25-28, 1986.

11.   Unger, M., Parr, G.V.S.:  The benefits of Nd:YAG laser application for end-stage patients, Tumor Diagnostic & Therapy 7:  13-16, 1986.

12.   Carson, S.L., Unger, M., Kwa, D., et al:  Laparoscopic laser treatment of endometriosis with the Nd:YAG sapphire probe, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 160:  718-723, 1989.

13.   Derbyshire, G.J., Bogen, D.K., Unger, M.:  Thermally induced optical property changes in myocardium at l.06 um, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine l0:  28-34, l990.

14.   Clark, J.M., Jackson, R.M., Lambertsen, C.J., Gelfand, R., Hiller, D.W.B., Unger, M.:  Pulmonary function in man after oxygen breathing at 3.0 ATA for 3.5 hours, Journal of Applied Physiology 71:878-885, 1991.

15.   Altman, H., Pietra, G., LiVolsi, V., Kelley, M., Unger, M., Hayden, R.:  Tracheobronchial Inflammatory Myofibroblastoma:  A locally invasive, potentially recurrent neoplasm, Int. J. Surg.Pathol. 2 (2):  93-98, 1994.

16.   Unger, M: Rigid versus flexible bronchoscopy in laser bronchoscopy: Pro flexible bronchoscopic laser application. J Bronchol 1:69-71,1994.


17.   Unger, M., "Clinically relevant technology in photodynamic therapy and photodynamic diagnosis",in 5th International Photodynamic Association Biennial Meeting, Denis A. Cortese, Editor, Proc. SPIE 2371,  16-21 (1995).

18.   Unger, M., Gincherman, Y., Kussmaul, W.:  Balloon bronchoplasty for management of bronchial stenosis (submitted for publication).

19.   Sterman, D., Unger, M.,  Schiffman, R.:  Pulmonary carcinoid tumors and their therapy with laser (submitted for publication).

20.   Lam, S., Unger, M., Kennedy T., Miller, Y.E., Gelmont, D., Rusch, V., Grippe, B., Howard,            D., LeRichie, J.C., Coldman, A., Gazdar, A.F.:  Localization of bronchial epithelial neoplastic lesions by fluorescence endoscopy ,Chest 113: 696-702,  1998.

21.   Snyder, R., Unger, M., Sawicki, R.:  Bilateral partial bronchial obstruction due to broncholithiasis treated with laser therapy, Chest.113: 240-2, 1998

22.   Schnall R.A, Malstrom M, Lames C, Rothman R.L, Miller S.A, Ridge J.A, Movsas B, Unger M, Langer C, Goldberg M.: Correlates of tobacco use among smokers and recent quitters diagnosed with cancer,  Patient education & Counseling, 46:137-145,2002

23.   Schnall R.A, Malstrom M, James C, Rothman R.L, Miller S.M, RidgeJ.A, Movsas B, Langer C, Unger M, Goldberg M: Process of change related to smoking behavior among cancer patients. Cancer Practice 10: 11-19,2002

24.   Schnall R.A,  Miller S.M,  Unger M, McAleer C, Halbherr T, Bradley P: Characteristics of female smokers attending a lung screening program: a pilot program with implications for program development. Lung Cancer37: 257-265,2002

25.   Colice GL, Rubins J, Unger M:  Follow-up and surveillance of the lung cancer patient following curative-intent therapy. Chest 2003:272S-283S

26.   Schnoll R.A., Bradley, P., Miller, S.M., Unger, M., Babb, J., & Cornfeld, M. Psychological issues related to the use of spiral CT for lung cancer early detection. Lung Cancer39: 315-325,2003

27.   Schnoll R.A, James C, Malstrom M, Rothman R L, Wang H, Babbs J, Miller AM, Ridge JA, Movsas B, Langer C, Unger M, Goldberg M:  Longitudinal predictors of continued tobacco use among patients diagnosed with cancer. Ann Behav Med 25: 214-221,2003

28.   Schnoll RA, Rothman R.L, Lerman C, Miller A>M, Newman H. Movsas B, Sherman E, Ridge J.A, Unger M, Langer C,  Goldberg M Scott W. Cheng J. Comparing Cancer Patients who enrol in  Smoking  cessation program at comprehensive cancer center with those who decline enrolment. Head Neck 26:278-286,2004                                                                                                                        

29.   Schnoll, R.A., Rothman, R.L. , Newman, H., Lerman, C., Miller, S.M., Movsas, B., Sherman, E.      Ridge, J.A., Unger, M. Langer, C., Goldberg, M., Scott, W. & Cheng, J.  Characteristics of cancer patients entering a smoking cessation program and correlates of quit motivation. Psycho-Oncology 13: 346-358,2004.

30.   Balsara BR, Pei J, Mitsuuchi Y, Page R, Klein-Szanto A, Wang H, Unger M, Testa JR. Frequent activation of AKT in non-small cell lung carcinomas and preneoplastic bronchial lesions. Carcinogenesis: 25: 2053 - 2059,2004

31.   Schnoll,R.A.,Rothman ,R.L., Wielt, M.A., Lerman, C., Pedri, H, Wang,H., Babb,J., Miller,S.M., Movsas, B., Sherman, E., Ridge, J. A., Unger, M.,  Langer, C., Goldberg, M., Scott, W., Chang, J. A randomized pilot study of cognitive –behavioral therapyversus basic health education for smoking cessation among cancer patients. Ann Behav Med 30:(1):1-11,2005

32.   Unger, M. A Pause, Progress and Reassessment in Lung Cancer Screening. N Engl J Med 355:17;1822-1824, 2006

33.   Unger, M. Role of Biology and genetics in lung cancer in women. J Thorac Oncol 2:8:Suppl 4: S192-193

34.   Freitag L,Ernst A, Unger M, Kovitz K, Marquette C H: A proposed classification system of central airway stenosis. Eur Respir J: 30: 7-12, 2007

35.   Colice GL, Rubins J, Unger M:  Follow-up and surveillance of the lung cancer patient following curative-intent therapy.  Guidelines.  Chest 132; 355S-367,2007

36.    Unger M: Expert Insight Into: Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Staging of Suspected Lung Cancer


        Advanced Certificate Program; Lung Cancer Management, Projects in Knowledge, Curriculum II 

          Article Review (Course LC02.07) Feb 2009

37.   Unger M: Case Study: NSCLC (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) in a Patient with COPD— Advanced Certificate Program; Lung Cancer Management, Projects in Knowledge, Curriculum II  (Course LC02.16) Aug 2009

38.   Herbst R, Langer C, Gore E, Shrager J, Unger M: Management of Stage III, N2 NSCLC: A Virtual Thoracic Oncology Tumor Board— Advanced Certificate Program; Lung Cancer Management, Projects in Knowledge, Curriculum II  Webcast (Course LC02.14), June 200918

39.   Cohen RJ, Sharma NK, Yu M,  Wang L, Buyyounouski M, Unger M, Borgheai HA, King E, Scott W, Callahan E, Movsas B, Feigenberg S: Phase I Radiation Dose Escalation of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Malignant l Lung Tumors. J Bio SCI Eng 2010,3,351-358

40.    Wood DE, Eapen GA, Ettinger DS, Hou L, Jackman D, Kazerooni E, Klippenstein D, Lackner RP,

            Leard L, Leung AN, Massion PP, Meyers BF, Munden RF, Otterson GA, Peairs K, Pipavath S,

            Pratt-Pozo C, Reddy C, Reid ME, Rotter AJ, Schabath MB, Sequist LV, Tong BC, Travis WD,

             Unger M, Yang SC. Lung cancer screening. JNCCN 2012;10;240-265

41.   Henri G. Colt, Septimiu D. Murgu,  Robert J.  Christopher G. Michael Unger; Silvia Quadrelli, Follow-up and Surveillance of the Patient With Lung Cancer After Curative-Intent Therapy: Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer, 3rd ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest. 2013; 143(5_suppl):e437S-e454S. doi:10.1378/chest.12-2365







日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2020-11-21 13:55-14:20 Room No. 2

The Science of IP: Theory and Technology

Speaker Laser Technology-How It Works in Biologic Systems